
miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016


Hola Geeks,

Cómo vais?!?! Espero que genial. Había escrito este post en inglés porque le tengo un CARIÑO enorme al idioma pero creo que podría ser demasiado denso. Aunque si que me gustaría mantener que si a alguien le gusta tanto como a mi, que se sienta libre de comentar lo que quiera y me lo hagáis saber, quizás podemos intercambiar opiniones. SIENTO MUCHÍSIMO tardar tanto en subir, pero esta semana he empezado la Universidad, el segundo cuatrimestre, y con todo lo demás... estoy empezando a organizarme otra vez. :')

Hoy os vuelvo a traer un texto filosófico con la finalidad de haceros pensar un poco sobre los detalles más pequeños e insignificantes de la vida.Intento coger esos textos que despiertan un sentimiento y que mueven algo dentro de mí, espero que os despierta lo mismo :P
La vida no es maravillosa siempre, verdad? Pero es un viaje divertido, y a veces, la clave está en aprender y disfrutar de esta experiencia única. Me encantaría compartir con vosotros lo que una profesora dijo a sus estudiantes: un cuento sobre "Happiness" (Felicidad)
"Some time ago... Humans used to be happy with nothing, just with small acts of love, helping each other and without asking too much. A couple of years later, technology changed their lives and so humans wanted to be richer and have more material stuff to become popular and important; but those things were destroying their happiness. It started becoming a game of who will have more and more, competition, not about having goods to enjoy.
What humans didn't know is that some magical creatures were looking at what they were doing. And the fact that people couldn't find their happiness get them kind of mad. So, these creatures decided to hide "Happiness" inside of each of us. They thought that humans wouldn't be smart enough to look in their insides... and it would be a good place to keep it safe." 

Estas criaturas estaban en lo correcto, no creéis? Hoy en día, intentamos buscar la felicidad en un ordenador, en un móvil nuevo y un largo etc. No logramos estar satisfechos con nuestros logros personales o el amor de nuestras familias. Evidentemente, hay personas capaces de disfrutar de esos dos pequeños momentos, pero tristemente no todo el mundo piensa igual.

Pero en BEGEEK no estamos para decepcionaros ni elaborar textos pesimistas... simplemente quiero animaros a vivir vuestra vida de la forma en que vosotros queréis, no como otros intentan hacerlo. Disfruta de las pequeñas cosas, como una canción de One Direction dice: al final esas pequeñas cosas marcan la diferencia "I'm in love with you an all your little things."
Some moments give sense to our lives. There are people who give them so much importance and there are people who let them go as if they had never happened.
Moments that for everybody might mean nothing and for you, they mean all.

You understand them.
Those days that wake up cloudless and you realise the sun is entering by the window. The first “I love”, which makes you die of embarrassment. The first time that somebody break up with you, and you stay staring at a point trying to not cry. When your feet are wet at the beach. The laughter of a kid. When we close our eyes when something is about to fall. When a member of your family dies, so close, that you would give your life for their life. Have an argument with a friend and no one tries to clear things up. The way your body shakes after that intense orgasm and you can't even move.

That scar in your body you know and nobody else does. Waking up of that dream of which you wouldn't wake up just for keep on going. Seeing that strange who, in some time, was your biggest friend. And most remarkable, knowing that two people still remember each other, when they don't even cross a word, are capable of everything.


Enjoy them.

P.D=> One Direction también tiene una canción llamada "Moments" pero sería demasiado hacerle mención jajaja

P.D2=> Y como siempre, podéis encontrar a Defreds en todas las redes sociales. (twitter.com/Defreds. Instagram: @defreds. Facebook: Defreds)


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